Archives par mot-clé : call for papers

Call for papers / Makale Çağrısı

Istanbul 29 Mayıs University is pleased to announce and invite you to the first International Conference on “Istanbul during the Ottoman Period”. The conference will take place at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, on May 28th and 31th, 2013. The aim is to explore and trace the historical, social, cultural and economic developments that led to the growth of an Ottoman Istanbul. A nexus of multiple cultures, rules and economies, Istanbul, had and still has a pivotal role within academic research projects, and in this “Ottoman Istanbul” meeting we hope to gather scholars working on the city for interdisciplinary contributions and discussions. We are also pleased to announce that we will be providing accommodation and travel costs.
Your participation and contributions would be very much appreciated. In order to organise the details of the conference, we would like to urge you to inform us of your decision at the latest February 11. (your understanding is much appreciated).
Please submit a 250 word abstract by April 1, to the organizing committee. ( The abstract should include your name, institutional affiliation, as well as any audio-visual requirements for the presentation.
Finally, we are going to publish contributions in a volume with a small amount of copyright. Each contribution should be submitted to the committee during the conference edited in its final form, including endnotes and bibliography. Submissions should follow Chicago formatting style, in 12-point font, double-spaced.
Papers might consider, but are not limited to, the following sub-themes:
  • Conquest of Istanbul
  • The importance of Istanbul for the Turkish-Islamic World
  • The stance of the city within World History
  • The role of Fatih Sultan Mehmed during the formative years of Istanbul
  • Physical and topographical development of Ottoman Istanbul
  • Istanbul as a multi-cultural city and meeting point of civilizations
  • Istanbul as a big metropolis
  • Istanbul as the center and the capital of the Ottoman Empire
  • City governments and historic and cultural heritage conservation
  • Town planning, architecture and art of Istanbul
  • Social structure, ethnic and confessional communities
  • Science, learning and literature in the Ottoman Istanbul
  • Economic conditions and commercial activities of Ottoman Istanbul
  • Urban Archeology of the Ottoman period
  • The ancient heritage in Istanbul through the eyes of the Ottomans
All up to date information on the conference can be found on the conference website
Prof. Dr. Feridun Emecen
Istanbul 29 Mayıs University
Dean of the Faculty of Arts (Humanities)
Tel: (0216) 474 08 60
Fax: (0216) 474 08 74

İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi, 29-31 Mayıs tarihleri arasında İstanbul şehrinin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu dönemi hakkında uluslarası bir sempozyum düzenleyecektir. Bu sempozyumun amacı Osmanlı İstanbulunun tarihî, sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik gelişmesine ışık tutmak ve hangi şartlarda bir Osmanlı şehrine dönüştüğünü tespit etmektir. Bugün bir dünya metropolü hâline gelen İstanbul üzerine çalışan araştırmacıları bir araya getirip disiplinlerarası bir tartışma ve paylaşım zemini sunacağını düşündüğümüz “Uluslararası Osmanlı İstanbulu‒I Sempozyumu”na siz değerli meslektaşımızın da bir bildiriyle katılmasını ümit etmekteyiz. Sempozyuma bildiri ile katılacakların yol ve konaklama giderleri karşılanacaktır.
Toplantıya katılım konusundaki kararınızı en geç 11 Şubat 2013 tarihine kadar bildirmeniz program organizasyonumuz açısından son derece önemlidir. 250 kelimelik bildiri özeti ise 1 Nisan 2013 tarihine kadar, ulaştırılmalıdır. Bildiri özetlerinde, adınız ve bağlantılı olduğunuz kurumun adı yer almalı; sunum sırasında ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz ses ve görüntü cihazları da belirtilmelidir.
Bildiriler kitap olarak basılacak, yazarlarına telif ücreti de ödenecektir. Bildiri metinleri, Chicago referans sitilinde, 12 puntoda ve çift aralıklı yazılmalı ve sempozyum sırasında bilim kuruluna yayımlanabilir bir nüsha hâlinde sunulmalıdır. Toplantıların konu başlıkları aşağıdaki gibidir:
  • İstanbul’un fethi
  • İstanbul’un Türk-İslam dünyası açısından önemi
  • İstanbul’un dünya tarihi açısından önemi
  • Fatih Sultan Mehmed’in İstanbul’un gelişimindeki rolü
  • Osmanlı İstanbul’unun fiziki gelişimi ve topografyası
  • Çok Kültürlülük ve medeniyetlerin buluşma noktası olarak İstanbul
  • İstanbul’un büyük bir metropol olarak dünya tarihindeki yeri
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluk merkezi olarak payitaht İstanbul’u
  • Belediyecilik ve şehrin kültürel mirasının korunması
  • İmarı, mimarisi ve sanatsal eserleri.
  • Sosyal yapı, etnik ve dini gruplar
  • Osmanlı İstanbulu’nda ilim, sanat ve edebiyat
  • Osmanlı İstanbulu’nda ekonomik durum ve ticari faaliyetler
  • Kent arkeolojisi
  • Osmanlı İstanbulu’nda antik tarih mirasın değerlendirilmesi
Prof. Dr. Feridun Emecen
İstanbul 29 Mayis University
Edebiyat Fakültesi Dekanı
TEL: (0216) 474 08 60
FAX: (0216) 474 08 74

Call for Papers International workshop “Minorities in the colonial and postcolonial Middle East”

The fragments imagine the nation?

Minorities in the colonial and postcolonial Middle East

Place and date

The Graduate Institute International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, November 8–9, 2013.


The International History Department at Graduate Institute International and Development Studies, Geneva, and the History Department at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Almost a century after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, scholarship on minorities in the Middle East shows a remarkable continuity. Minority politics have traditionally been considered as a problem, indeed as one of the main reasons for the “unsuccessful” consolidation of the nation-state in the region; they now appear, to many, as an obstacle to broader processes of democratization and liberalization within the context of the so-called “Arab Spring”. As Egypt struggles to elaborate a new constitution that would pave the way for the integration of all segments of its society, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon have witnessed an awakening of ethnic and religious tensions since 2011. Other states such as Iraq seem to be stunned by sectarian conflicts. In the face of these huge challenges, the Middle East is once more portrayed as a region doomed to endless ethnic and religious turmoil and, more importantly, their elites as incapable of getting rid of this “fatality”. And yet perceptions like these assume that such turmoil is primordial: a cause, rather than a symptom, of troubled times. They also, perhaps deliberately, elide the role of any external actors in fostering division and conflict. The rationale of this understanding is based on two complementary premises.

First, Middle Eastern societies are perceived as deeply divided by kin group. Second, from the 1920s onwards, the League of Nations fostered a system that, on the one hand, accepted the nation-state as the norm in international relations and, on the other, opened the door to the protection of minority groups in the “less civilized” societies and “new” states. Consequently, the Mandatory system and the international “protection of minorities” in countries such as Iraq, Syria and Lebanon by European powers led many local political actors to view minority politics as a colonialist tool intended to hamper full national independence of the newly established states. However, reality was, as in most cases, more complex than these interpretations might suggest. Minority claims were neither the “natural” outcome of a historic conflict between religious and ethnic groups nor the consequence of imperialist designs in the Middle East. “Minority” and “majority” groups, international as well as transnational actors interplayed in a triangular relationship for decades prior to the First World War, when the multiethnic and multi-religious dynastic empires collapsed. Thereafter, and historically, two diverging constitutional choices – either the choice of government of the demographic majority (Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Iran, etc) or the choice of “consensus democracy” (Lebanon; Iraq since 2005) – shaped state-society relations differently in each country in the postcolonial Middle East. The former came to dominate the political engineering in the Middle East in the aftermath of the Second World War, when support for legal guarantees of ‘minority rights’ – never popular with indigenous elites – diminished among the international community. The Cold War put minority politics into a deep freeze, so to speak; but its end, and the effects of the globalization process that affect every state without exception, paved the way for a new crisis of identity in the Middle East.

This general overview neglects other significant issues that deserve further attention. Whilst lawmakers and state elites envisioned either “demographic majority” or “consensus democracy” as the two main viable political arrangements in order to meet “national” challenges, diverse indigenous actors (e.g. intellectuals, ulema, political parties, state officials, minority members) at different times sought to put forward alternative solutions to the “minority issue”, drawing from a wide range of schools of thought; from Islamic and Ottomanist to liberal and socialist. Furthermore, as in Europe, from the 1960s onwards identity politics in the Middle East (e.g. Kurdish, Palestinian, Berber, and diverse Islamist as well as diasporic movements) witnessed a revival, compelling state actors and oppositional forces to redefine official state ideologies over the twentieth century. After all, political claims on behalf of minorities have frequently been claims not for separation (administrative or territorial) but for a more liberal politics—with implications for the majority as well. The debate on how the “fragments” of the Middle Eastern societies would fit within the respective “nations” did not close with the accession to political independence of their countries: it remains open today.

Aims of the workshop

We aim to set out a new, historically-aware research agenda on minority politics in the colonial and postcolonial Middle East. We encourage scholars of all levels, from doctoral students to established researchers, to submit abstracts addressing one or more of the following questions: What have been the local political, intellectual, or cultural endeavors to come up with a political contract or a sort of pluralism that would pave the way for a peaceful and egalitarian relationship between “majorities” and “minorities” in the colonial and postcolonial Middle East? To what extent were these endeavors fostered or, on the contrary, undermined by transnational and global dynamics? Can we clearly categorize the main defenders of a smooth accommodation of minority rights within broader nation-states? How did the minorities participate in the political debates about citizenship in their respective countries – or, in other words, how and to what extent did the minorities contribute to imagining the nation? What was the impact of “minority politics” on the “majority” discourse about citizenship? What have been the main obstacles to the peaceful accommodation between “minority” and “majority” groups in the postcolonial Middle East? How have the increasingly powerful transnational lobbies for the protection of minority rights affected both minority and state narratives in the last twenty years? What do other cases in the global south or Eastern Europe tell us about the Middle East experience? And what new sources, archival or other, can lead us to a deeper understanding of these questions?

Please send 250-word abstracts to Jordi Tejel (, and Benjamin Thomas White ( by 28 February 2013.

We plan to publish selected essays arising out of the workshop as an edited volume or special journal issue. The language of the conference will be English. Please note that travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the organizers.

Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi Édition spéciale sur L’Intégration européenne et l’Administration publique / Avrupa Bütünleşmesi ve Kamu Yönetimi üzerine Özel Sayı


Appel à contribution

Nous demandons aux scientifiques et universitaires intéressés de discuter avec nous sur l’intégration européenne et l’administration publique.

A l’occasion du 10ème anniversaire du Centre dÉtudes européennes (AKVAM) de l’Université Akdeniz à Antalya, une édition spéciale de la revue Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi; est prévue, publiée par la faculté de science économique et administrative.

Cette publication est une revue renommée qui jouit d’une grande réputation dans le domaine scientifique. Elle est peer-reviewed et est nommée par plusieurs index comme IBSS, EBSCO, EconLit.

Le sujet principal de cette édition est “L’Intégration européenne et l’Administration publique” ce qui peut être développé, par exemple, par des questions suivantes:

  • Comment l’administration publique au niveau national se transforme au cours du procès d’adhésion à l’UE?
  • Quels modèles d’organisation et quelles institutions y a-t-il au niveau communal, régional et national, qui s’occupe du procès d’adhésion à l’UE?
  • Quel changement peut-on observer de l’administration publique des états membres après leur adhésion à l’UE?
  • Quel est l’avenir de l’administration publique de l’UE pour un élargissement et un approfondissement sans difficulté et une bonne gestion de crise?

S’il vous plaît envoyez les articles par mail jusqu’au fin février.

Les articles pour l’édition spéciale de la revue Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, prévu pour mai 2013, seront acceptés en turc, allemand, anglais et français.

Nous vous prions de nous contacter en avance si vous avez l’intention d’apporter une contribution à notre édition spéciale.

Si vous avez des questions n’hésitez pas de nous contacter par téléphone ou par mail.

Directives pour les auteurs


Nina Jehle TEL : 0090-242-310 6605

Makale Çağrısı

İlgi duyan araştırmacı ve akademisyenleri, Avrupa bütünleşmesi ve kamu yönetimi üzerine birlikte tartışmaya davet ediyoruz.

Akdeniz Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’nin (AKVAM) 10. Kuruluş Yıldönümü nedeniyle İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Akdeniz IIBF Dergisi  Özel Sayısı’nın çıkartılması planlanmaktadır. Sözü geçen alan dergisi, bilimsel çevrelerde yüksek prestije sahiptir. Dergi, uluslararası Hakem Kurulu Sürecine tabidir ve IBSS, EBSCO, EconLit gibi uluslararası Indexler tarafından taranmaktadır.

Yukarıda sözü geçen Özel Sayı’nın konusu, „Avrupa Bütünleşmesi ve Kamu Yönetimi“dir. Dergide örneğin aşağıdaki ve benzer konular işlenebilir:

  • Aday ülkelerin ulusal kamu yönetimleri, AB’ye katılım sürecinde nasıl bir değişime uğramaktadırlar?
  • AB’ye katılım sürecini desteklemeye yönelik yerel, bölgesel ve ulusal düzeyde oluşturulan ne tür örgütlenme modelleri ve kurumlar bulunmaktadır?
  • AB’ye katılımından sonra üye ülkelerin kamu yönetimleri alanında ne gibi değişimler gözlenmektedir?
  • Sorunsuz bir genişleme, derinleşme veya başarılı bir kriz yönetimini sağlamak açısından AB’nin kamu yönetimini nasıl bir gelecek beklemektedir?

İstenen makalelerin 2013 Şubat ayının sonuna kadar teslim edilmesi gerekmektedir.

2013 Mayıs ayında tamamlanması planlanan Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi Özel Sayısı makaleleri dört dilde yazılabilir: Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca ve Fransızca.

Yayın yapmayı planlamanız durumunda mail yoluyla bizi bilgilendirmenizi rica ediyoruz.

Sorularınız olması durumunda telefonla veya mail yoluyla bize ulaşabilirsiniz.

Yazarlara Duyuru


Veli Ercan CETINTÜRK TEL : 0090-242-310 1547

İsmail Cem KARADUT TEL : 0090-242-310 6498

Journal of Ankara Studies Call for Papers / Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi Makale Çağrısı

Vehbi Koç Vakfı Vehbi Koç ve Ankara Araştırmaları Merkezi (VEKAM), 2013 yılından itibaren, Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi adıyla düzenli olarak Mayıs ve Kasım aylarında yılda 2 sayı çıkacak olan, disiplinlerarası nitelikte hakemli bir dergi yayımlayacaktır.  Derginin
ilk bölümünde, Ankara’yı merkez alarak hazırlanan özgün araştırma makaleleri  ikinci bölümünde ise bu kapsama giren görüş makaleleri yer alacaktır.

Başkentimizin bu konudaki büyük eksiğini kapatacak olan Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde hem Türkçe hem de İngilizce makalelere yer verilecektir. Dergimizin bu ilk sayısında makalelerinin yer almasını isteyen araştırmacılar sayfasından yayın ilkelerimiz, yazım kurallarımız ve diğer konular hakkında bilgi edinebilirler.

Derginin Mayıs 2013’te yayımlanacak ilk sayısında yer alacak makaleler için son teslim tarihi 15 Mart 2013 olarak belirlenmiştir.

Vehbi Koç and Ankara Research Center (VEKAM) will publish an interdisciplinary biannual referee journal called the Journal of Ankara Studies regularly in May and November as from 2013. The first part of the journal will contain original research articles centered around Ankara while the second part will feature opinion articles on this subject.
Journal of Ankara Studies will make up for the huge lack of research about the capital by publishing articles in both Turkish and English. Researchers who want to take part the first issue of the journal can be informed about the publishing guidelines, spelling rules and other kind of subjects from our website.
Deadline for the papers that will take place in the first issue of the journal is  March 15, 2013